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樂隊:The Original Rabbit Foot Spasm Band

專輯:Party Seven (CD/下載)


風格:傳統爵士/藍調 /復古爵士



之前我給大家寫了一篇有關樂隊第一章專輯 Year of the Rabbit (2011) 的評論, 來自英國牛津的The Original Rabbit Foot Sapsm Band 再度推出一張實力派復古藍調專輯 Party Seven。 聽了名字,你就知道和上一張專輯一樣,這是一張充滿活力和派對氣氛的唱片。


2011年牛津,我心身已頹廢,活在只有自己的世界裡。當時的我,沒有人生目標,極少和別人說話,在大學裡更被同學們稱為“洞女”- 山洞裡的女人。音樂一直是我的熱愛,從小鍾愛懷舊的聲音,覺得現代音樂真是太悲劇了。那時的我默默的聽著自己的收藏,確從未和其他人討論過音樂。偶爾的一個機會,我去了兔子的專輯發行表演,當領隊Stuart大喊「一,二,一二三四」,鼓聲響起,小號吹起,薩克斯跟隨,那一刻,燈亮了,我的世界不再漆黑。當晚的氣氛活躍,每個人的情緒高漲,屋子還時不時震盪起來。大概是音響太大,但我確覺得是大家的舞跳得太興奮了。兔子的音樂觸動了我,喚醒了我的靈魂。

經過 Year of the Rabbit (2011) 的陶冶,我對自己的身份,性格,喜好更加認同。Party Seven (2013), 我期待了好久,花兒也幾乎要謝了。

整張專輯就像是一列過山車,帶著你飛上沖下,刺激不已。除了樂隊本身的風格 - 傳統爵士/節奏藍調 以外,新專輯還加入了 calypso 和 jug band 音樂的元素。樂曲 "King of Wine" 有著很明顯的 calypso 節奏, 而 "Matassa's Icecream Parlour" 就像是小孩子們在廚房爭奪雪糕的聲音, 呯呯乓乓的。Jug 音樂其實就是廚房音樂,任何能弄出聲音的東西都是樂器。通常小孩子們都會在街上帶著自己做的樂器和朋友們玩樂合奏,這也是 spasm 的哲學。歡樂是樂隊很大的一個特徵,儘管歌詞有著悲哀的故事,也有著藝人對生活艱苦的抱怨,但是至少跳著舞來抱怨能鍛煉身體!不知不覺地,你會發現你已失控地跳起舞來。

Party Seven 聽起來像Jimmie Rodgers, Ray Charles, Louis Armstrong, Louis Prima 等等。這是一張敢於跨越音樂類型的爵士專輯,嘗試著混合鄉村,藍調,節奏藍調,calypso, skiffle 和 jug band 音樂的元素。真的很難用一種類型來形容這張專輯。創作人很明顯喜愛多種類型音樂,然後把他自己喜歡的部分融入到他自己的音樂裡面。 

Party Seven 有著能觸動童年的魔力,有天真,有燦爛,有幻想也有衝動。

比遊樂場更歡樂的黑色幽默,比寫實主義更逼真的生活寫照,比歷史書更有意義的時空穿梭機, Party Seven 在爵士藍調歷史裡留下了輝煌的一頁。


專輯現在能在 iTunesAmazon 購買。

「Album Review]

The Original Rabbit Foot Spasm Band

Record: Party Seven (CD/DL)

Region: Oxford, United Kingdom

Genre: Trad Jazz/Jump Blues/Rythymic Blues

Released Year: 2013

Website: www.rabbitfootspasmband.co.uk

Earlier I wrote a review about the first album by the band - Year of the Rabbit (2011), The Original Rabbit Foot Spasm Band, once again releases a legendary trad jazz/rythymic blues record - Party Seven. You can tell by its name, like their first record, this is an energetic album that is full of party atmosphere. 

In fact, there is a little story between me and the band. 

2011 Oxford, I was physically and pyschologically damaged, I only lived within my own world. Having no aims of life, I barely talked to anyone else, they even called me the "cave woman" at university. Music has always been my passion, I adored the old sound since an early age, and thought that modern music was such a tragic. Most of the time, I only listened to my own collection, and didn't talk to anyone about music. An opportunity allowed me to experience the rabbit's performance during their album launch. When Stuart shouted "One, Two and One, Two , Three Four", the drum started, the trupet blew, the sax. followed. From that moment, the light was turned on, my world wasn't dark no more. My spirit was touched, and my soul was woken up. That night was ever so lively, everyone was high drug-free,even the house shaked from time to time. Perhaps it was because of the loud speakers, but I rather believe that people danced too excitingly..

After the soul-brewing by Year of the Rabbit (2011), I am now more confident about my own identity, personality and music interests. I don't have to hide anymore.  Party Seven (2013), I have been waiting so long, that the flower nearly drop its head. 

The whole album is like a roller-coaster. It drives you up almost flying then rushes you down in high speed. Apart from the traditional rabbit style, the new album imports new sound elements from calypso and jug band music. "King of Wine" has a very obvious calypso beat, and "Matassa's Icecream Parlour" sounds like children fighting in the kitchen for their icecream, making all sorts of noices. Jug music is also known as kitchen music, anything that is able to make a sound can be considered as an instrument. Normally kids will play them on the street with their friends, and have a jam, this is also the philosophy of "spasm". The album also gives you a Disney surprise that you wouldn't expect to have. More over, guitarist Carlo's solos are on fire. If any jazz band wants to include a guitarist, it has to be Carlo, otherwise Max Moonlight. 

Party Seven sounds like Jimmie Rodgers, Ray Charles, Louis Armstrong, Louis Prima and more. It's a jazz album that dares to cross-genre, and experiments a mix with country, blues, rythymic blues, calypso, skiffle, rap and jug band music. It is hard to describe this album with one genre, and that's why it is so sexy. The artist definately adores more than one type of music, and interprets the bits he likes into his own. 

Fun is one of the characteristics of the band, although there are dark stories within the lyrics, and the artist's complains about how tough life is; at least complaining but at the same time dancing helps to keep yourself being fit and stylish. 

Party Seven has the magic to bring back your childhood, there is innocence, sparks, fantasy and affections. For one moment, you would remember having a day out with your family in the park when the sun shines through the trees, birds singing with the wind gently blowing. All these Romantic fragments are floating throughout the album. 

A black comedy that is funner than funfair, a life portrait that is more life-like than realism, a time travel machine that is more meaningful than a history textbook, Party Seven has marked another glorious page in jazz and blues history. 

Listen to the album on Soundcloud

The album is now available on iTues and Amazon.

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