
微博: @影里影外


80後,頭髮凌亂。她來自香港。17歲移民到英國,現居英國牛津。白天做學術研究,晚上在博客播歌。她曾在牛津組過樂隊,在街頭賣藝,也策劃過演唱會。她崇拜音樂,骨子裡頭全是音樂。這事實大概在她3歲的時候已經很明顯,但是到了16歲才被正式地確認 - 怪的都是一張Ida Cox的打孔精選集。



About the Blogger - 

Born in the 80s, hair is alightly messy - She comes from Hong Kong. She moved to England at the age of 17, and now lives in Oxford. She used to be in different bands, busking, as well as organising concert events. She worships music, in fact, there is music all over inside her bones. This fact was already obvious when she was 3, however, it was only realistically confirmed when she turned 16 - it all started with an Ida Cox blackmarket CD that she discovered by accident. 

She collects music, both CDs and vinyls. She has a gramophone, during her free time, she'd go to the park with it, and to transcend the eras via sound. Although she adores music, the sound from pre-1970s seems to have a bigger affection on her. 

Welcom to my blog, let's explore some old sound. 

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