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And The Healing Has Begun - Van Morrison

Van Morrison - "And the Healing Has Begun"

雖說我通常多數發一些70年代以前的音樂,但是這幾天卻不能自拔地重複性在聽這首歌曲。Van Morrison, 愛爾蘭人,一個挺傳奇的人物。他的表演質量,很大程度和他的心情有關。若他的心情好,他會把自己的才華毫無保留地展現。很多朋友都說對他一些演唱會極度失望。但是,儘管他十場演唱會裡面只有一場是完美的,那完美能直叫你渴求,也會讓你忘掉其他不好的九場經歷。

他的音樂,很難用一個形式來形容,是一種多形式的音樂。結合blues, gospel, folk, soul, jazz, country, rythymic blues.... 通常不能用一個形式來歸納的藝術作品都是很能感染人的。

他的樂隊成員,都是經過他精心挑選,每一個樂手都是頂級的 (就比如這個小提琴手 Toni Marcus,那聲調真是太棒了)。彩排的時候,他的要求也非常嚴格。他的腦子裡,早已知道自己想要的聲音是什麼。


Although I normally only post music from the pre-1970s era, I have been listening to this song on repeat the past few days. Van Morrison, Irish, a true legend. His performance quality, heavily depends on his mood. If he is in a good mood, he will present everything he has got. Many friends have told me about their dissapointment in his concerts. However, eventhough he only produces one perfect show out of ten concerts, that one perfect moment is enough for you to die for, and makes up for the nine bad ones. 

It is difficult to describe his music with one genre, as it is a hybrid type of music. It combines blues, gospel, folk, soul, jazz, country, rythymic blues.... Normally, if an art is hard to be put into genre, it is oftentimes something rather moving. 

Every musician in his band is sellected very seriously. Every band member is top class musician. (For example the fiddle player here, Toni Marcus, what a great great player!) He is also very strict in the rehersals, he already knows what kind of sound he wants and wants to achieve. 

This man, is magical. Many of his live recording albums are irreplacable so far. They are irreplacable, not only on a musical level, but also and more so, on a spiritual level. 

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