
微博: @影里影外


「Retro Music Blog」Christmas New Year Special:

意外,1950年上海的唱片還保留著30年代的味道。老上海就是中國爵士誕生的地方。引用了西方的big band和Swing,再加上中國本土文化的點綴。這種混合是獨一無二,不可代替的。這首由姚莉,張露,逸敏合唱的《聖誕樂》就是最好的代表之一。在1950年由 Pathe Orient (東方百代)唱片公司錄製發行。

Suprised. Shanghai in 1950 remained the sound of the 30s. Old Shanghai was where Chinese jazz born. Imported Western big band sound and the swing rhythm, with extra Chinese local aesthetics as decoration. This kind of cultural hybridity is irreplacable. This Christsmas song was performed by Yao Li, Zhang Lu, Yi Min and is the best example of Chinese jazz. It was recorded by Pathe Orient in 1950.

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